Silent Film
Dusty Rag
by Darin Münch
My third (and personal favorite) attempt at ragtime! This dusty, old-timey piano number takes its happy-go-lucky cues from Scott Joplin, Merrie Melodies, and even Super Mario Bros. This cheery little thing may not do justice to the "ABCD" conventions of the genre, but it should add a little spring to your step!
Bandit Rag
by Darin Münch
My second attempt at ragtime turned into more of a cops-and-robbers ditty! Again I added a little dust, distortion, and a dash of pitch-shift here and there to give my pianos a bit of honky-tonk age & character. Quirk and attitude give this one a nice old-timey vibe that should (hopefully) put a smile on your face!