Orchestra TechEd!
by Darin Münch
Our super-secret symphony project is finally live! Watch a 25-piece orchestra bow-sync to my music at Benaroya's Nordstrom Hall in this cheerful Microsoft TechEd Europe ad. This spot debuted at the TechEd Europe show in Barcelona late last year. This delightful project was (once again) made possible by a collaboration with RUN Studios and Brother Eric (a.k.a. Mix Master Munch). Have a look and a listen!
Regal Strings II
by Darin Münch
Here's my more lighthearted take on Regal Strings I (a sparse, noble-sounding symphonic piece). This revision includes bass pizzicato and bells, adding a little magic and dazzle. A violin duet at the end gives it an even more Disney-esque vibe.
Bounding Quartet
by Darin Münch
Here's a sparky little quartet for ya... this one was inspired by the Hyrule Symphony and the Scent of a Woman soundtrack (of all things). It's a fairly basic repeating string pattern, but I find it charming, lively, and optimistic. Features a legato cello solo, staccato violin duet, and lots of clinky percussion -- just the way I like it!
Starlight Strings
by Darin Münch
Here's my chamber-noir interpretation of a minor-chord sonata written by Carol Burleson. A plucky pizzicato bass attempts to cheer up a very mournful violin. After some toil and even moments of despair, the pair eventually embrace the starlight, giving way to a sunrise.
Flight of the Borscht
by Darin Münch
Here's one to make you smile, dance, and maybe even hop onto a tightrope in the sky. This quick-paced classical number was inspired by Russian folk music, Barnum & Bailey, Rachmaninoff, and even Hip Tanaka of Kirby & Nintendo fame. Piano, percussion, horns and strings become more and more daring as this tune winds its way to a zany finale.