Downtowner Moan
by Darin Münch

*Here it is -- part I of my Slew of Snippets series!
I wrote this moody, gritty, minor-key blues waltz in 2005. This loose, laid-back, creepy 6/8 lament is dark but colorful with plenty of quirk. A distorted fretless bass weeps over a snare drum while a funny-sounding drum kit and piano track play. Cute but dirty!
Instrumentation includes fretless bass guitar, live and sequenced drums, and Quicktime synth in a mournful 6/8. A great pick to establish a bluesy, gritty, Tom Waits-style vibe.
If you'd like to use this song in a project, please buy a license:
basscreepydirtydistortedeeriefunkyfunnygrittyminormusicmysteriousnastyquirkytom waits